In last month's issue of The Cud I submitted a piece which reflected on the economics of love.
Picture a long room, wide enough and framed on each side by a wall of windows blocked with steel bars...
Hoop Dreams (1994)
People always say to me, ...when you get to the NBA, don't forget about me.... Well, I should've said back, ...if I don't make it to the NBA, don't you forget about me....
Whilst doing some research on the internet the other day I "Googled" my own name.
It's ten o'clock at night but the sun is still shining in the kingdom of Prontera. It is always day in this city, packed with shops, council buildings and hundreds of adventurers such as myself.
Why do the flies gather, what is their interest in the smelly dung heap?
A Reflection on Billie Holiday's 'Strange Fruit' and the Crime of Lynching in America
Billie Holiday's haunting, disturbing song 'Strange Fruit', based on the poem by Lewis Allen
Hello and my warmest Happy New Year wishes to you all. I trust you had a fantastic New Year's Eve and partied like it was 1999. I know I didn't.