I live with a frustrating paradox. On the one hand, I have a deep love of music and an almost unhealthy belief in my abilities as a genius ...
(A circular rant including music, the Cole Inquiry, homelessness and Sydney)
I bought my first iPod today...
There is a name calling me again
Don Lane & The Coffee Tables play London...
This week I’ll freely admit, I am flat out trying to meet a script deadline…
So take a look now at the land Down Under It’s all hit the fan we’ve been cast asunder...
June 13, 2006
I do not know how it happened but I put on eleven kilograms in the last twelve months. I do not recall either giving birth or being struck down with severe depression, but there you go.
Recently, Brisbane three-piece rock sensations The Grates –Patience Hodgson on vocals, John Patterson on guitar, and Alana Skyring on drums- embarked overseas ...